Research Methodology

Research methodology: there are different ways in which you can carry out your research. Each one has its own advantage and disadvantage. The word count of this part is same as the previous one it has 20 % of total word count and you have to include more and more data in this part. In this part, you need to discuss about the designed research program. There are so many common ways to precede your dissertation. In this part you need to identify the research questions which were formed in the last part that is in literature review part.
Collecting data is the important part of the dissertation, you can take survey, you can develop questionnaire, or interview. There are different ways of doing this interviews this will be discussed in later. The main type of interviews is telephonic interview or face to face interview. Select any methodology for your dissertation and discuss why you have chosen this particular one in your program. You can explain the advantage of having this methodology over others. At the end of this part you have to tell about the difficulties or problem encountered while preceding this particular method. Selecting the perfect methodology gives you some advantage. Take care of selecting research methodology.


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